#12 - Day 12: An early morning

Top of the morning to you!
It's 8:26 as I write this.
This post is unlike any other post before it since I have started my day with my habit: reading my Bible, reading my book, and writing about it.
I finished reading Ecclesiastes this morning.
I found the verse that, most likely, spoke to me. 'Most likely', because I really felt so strongly about that picture I saw the verse on, and the words that were on it.
I'll go read Ephesians. Just as I'll continue trying to find that picture online.
I re-read the last pages of Chapter 3 of the Atomic Habit.
The feedback loop of habits.
I caught and stopped one of my bad habits over the weekend. And when I did, I remembered how giving in to the craving would have just fed into this loop. Irrespective of how bad I wanted to stop the habit, I would make no progress if everytime I had that craving, I fed it with a response. I ignored it.
Another bad habit that I'll stop is my dependence on social media content to relieve periods of mental dull and stress. I have come to the consistent realisation that feeding that craving is unsatisfactory. Very unsatisfactory. But I'd built that habit over time, and that's just about all my brain can respond with.
I'll teach it otherwise.
Here I am. About to begin my day.
I thank God for the gift of the day. Lord see me through as I take the day.
Till later.