#13 - Day 13: Effective Habits

#13 - Day 13: Effective Habits
Photo by Urban Vintage / Unsplash

Today's a great day!

Yesterday went well. Though I did not find the time to reflect on it when it ended, I can say it ended well.

Some highlights.

  • I read my bible, read my book, and wrote in my journal at the start of the day.
  • I engaged with my team at Ribbon Health
  • I ticked off a task for Deduct Pro
  • (Not so good) I lazied about mentally for a while without getting any thing done. I was not focusing on any task
  • When I did focus, I created a list of alternatives for Plaid, at myStash
  • I started creating a user and account monitoring tool. That's top of my priorities for today
  • I helped Precious drop off something at his aunt's
  • I went to Ponmile's church
  • I engaged with Mr Victor and the rest of the team at Joinda
  • I engaged with Mr Paul about implementation-specific tasks for the FMMC project
  • (Not so good) I failed to speak with my brother, Mummy Praise, and Bro. Ayo. Plus several other people on my mind to reach out to
  • I did not have a casual conversation with Ponmile, but she's doing good.
  • And that's how I ended my day

Today has started great.

I read my Bible.

I read Ecclesiastes 12 again. And then started reading Ephesians.

By the way. COTE Y2 V12 has been completely translated by the folks at RoyalMTLs. Read here.

Back to the story.

I've just read the start of Chapter 4 of Atomic Habits.

Key takeaway is being conscious of your habits.

Of course, you'd like your habits, especially the good ones, to become second nature–you do them without thinking about them. But, unless "you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate"–Carl Jung.

Also, there is really no such thing as good habits and bad habits, only effective habits. It's effective if it reinforces your desired identity, over the long term.

There's some activity we've been directed to engage with: creating a habit scorecard. I'll get to it.

Here's to the rest of my day!
