#20 - Surely, Surely
Goodness and Mercies shall follow me. Everyday they shall follow me!

Did I already mentioned that I had this song on repeat yesterday?
No. I wrote earlier in the day.
But yeah, I (re-)discovered this song yesterday and it's been on repeat for sometime. 'Re-discovered' because I vaguely listening to IFE MOJ himself sing it at last year's Blue Musicals by Faith Church. So, when I heard it again, it was just as familiar as it was fresh. Lovely song.
I've just finished reading my book. I continued with Atomic Habits and have just learned about stacking. This important, because I was just pondering the importance of routine in forming habits.
For example, if I set up an Implementation Intention such as:
I want to do 50 push ups at 6am every day in my living room.
This breaks apart when I travel for business or pleasure and my schedule deviates even slightly for uncontrollable reasons.
But, habit stacking addresses it a bit. So you can set a more flexible intention such as:
I want to drink a cup of water as soon as I wake up every morning. Then, I want to do 50 push ups. Then I want to read a book chapter. And so on.
This way, where you wake up and what time you wake up are not strict conditions that must be observed. As long as you've just woken up, do these chain of things.
Something to act on. Though, I am yet to properly act on and use my habit scorecard. I will do this tomorrow morning (as long as I can remember to do it–sigh).
I read my Bible today. I finished chapters 3-6 of Ephesians.
Tomorrow, I'll revisit the verses I'd been looking for when I took to reading books that that begin with E. Then, I'll continue with 1 Corinthians.
Till later.