#39 - Keep going
Adding context to my journalling
I started out writing about what I learned from chapters of the Bible and books I read. I added a reporting of the day and how it went, and occasionally added a sprinkle of music I listened to. Now, I'm going to add 'writing about the things I'm grateful for'.
I'm grateful for the strength of will to get myself off the bed today and to a restaurant for me to get some work done.
Other than my morning exercise running, cycling and swimming, I spent the rest of the day scrolling. I started off with that today as well but luckily got myself up.
I'm also grateful for the fact that I reached a milestone with the report for South-East. I'll be handing it over tomorrow and, by luck, round it up this week.
Most of the week should be focused on the project with FMMC, APIs for Ribbon Health, and Joinda. I'll also start off my 10k x 3 per week run tomorrow. Cheers to that.
I did not read my Bible, nor a book today.
But that's it for now.