#44 - Another day
Would things get this monotonous? On some level, that's what habits are. On the other, I'm not sure I do so well with boring.
Really though, there's no escaping it. With building an habit, I must be able to keep at it in all conditions and all weather: boring, tired, excited, busy, etc.
I was at Ore's today. Did not fail to run 10k and, good enough, hit a better time of 01:13:28 at pace of 07:19/km. From there, I ran some errands at the bank, did a bit of work (resumed from my leave), and now I'm winding down on my day.
I'm grateful for good friends. I'm grateful for the people I meet and the relationships I build as I go through life. I'm grateful for the provision of my needs.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to look forward to tomorrow.
I'm grateful because all I have put my mind to, by God's grace, will come to pass.
I have just read parts of a chapter in my Bible and my book.
I'll say good night here.