#53 - I'm running out of titles
Today was really good. I could have made it better.
Today started out with service at Faith Church.
After service, I had to decide what to work on, and that was were things went downhill. I only had to decide which of the many various tasks contributed the most to my goals and act on that, but I spent too long floundering.
Task on my list of things to do was to optimise my LinkedIn Profile. More than a one-time facelift, my LinkedIn profile needs to live with me, i.e post regular updates. For my chosen niche, my updates will revolve around ethics and data analytics. Material for this was to come from knowledge I gained from projects or courses.
The primary project I want to take on is my research on Education in Nigeria. That's still a long way from involving data, so the next best thing was courses. Finding a free course on data ethics proved to be a challenge, so I'm taking a course on Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on Coursera.
As I work through this course, I should also pay attention to other commitments I have at Cardinal Healthcare Foundation, Ribbon Health, and Joinda LLC.
There we have it.
Today, I'm grateful for my church, my pastor, the Word of God, and the fellowship of church.
I really should get out of my own shell in church.
I read my Bible today, but have not read my book.
Good night for now.