#55 - Dominating the day!

Todoist says I only marked 5 tasks as done today, but it feels like I ticked off 20!

#55 - Dominating the day!
Photo by Luke Miller / Unsplash

I started off the day earlier than yesterday, so I was in the office early enough for a head-start. That translated into finishing the script I was working on and then jumping onto analysing records.

I took a break there and caught up with a colleague on a personal note. A brief discussion about a possible project and then goodbyes. Followed by an errand to the bank. This was where things got into a roll.

I finished up for the day and passed by the market. Headed up and made time to catch up with FASU Games at Unilag. There wasn't much to it, but I'd take knowing that any day over assuming and not seeing for myself.

Talking about that, there's some play at Terrakulture soon. Courage was telling me about it. I'd be travelling then, else I should have nothing stop me from finding my way there.

Rounded off some more tasks, got distracted with scrolling and now I'm catching up. All in all, a great day.

I should finish up already and, hopefully, pack before going off to bed.

I have not read my Bible or book today.

For tonight,
