#56 - Full day, Full energy

I'll have to mark the day I cook up a remarkable title

#56 - Full day, Full energy
Photo by Zach Wear / Unsplash

But the, spent the day on full blast. I'm intentional about improve my my vocabary and command of the language, but I mean to say today was spent going on full throttle, nary a minute of rest.

I'm in a new city after leaving Uyo in Akwa-Ibom. In Uyo, Ikot Udo Abia precisely, we executed another of AirUp's outreaches. I'll have to speak more about my work here later.

That's it. Except for all the other things that don't need to go on a public blog.

I'm grateful for good health, good people, and journey mercies.

I have not read my Bible or book today.

Bye for now.
