#59 - Day of rest
Not really. But it sure feels like it.
Started the day and almost lost it, but I thank God for averting that disaster.
I woke up early enough but decided to attend the second service cause I wanted a bit more time. And as sure as laziness comes in the form of temptation, I was almost tempted to continue scrolling/browsing instead of preparing for church.
Of course, I can write 'almost' because God helped me out of that pitfall. Then it was off to church. Service was great, though I failed to listen as well as I should have. I'll do better by God's grace.
Back home and I set to accomplish three small but important tasks. I've ticked off two and I'll get on the last one in a bit.
I'm grateful to God for provision. I am also grateful for the fortitude to know and do what's right. I pray God's abundant grace continues to surround me.
I read my Bible this morning. I have not read my book.