#60 - On clarity

You'll find that it gives speed to your actions

#60 - On clarity
Photo by Steve Johnson / Unsplash

There's only little 'decision paralysis' can do to you when you're clear on what you want.

One way I like to think about it is options. If your objective is clear, gradually reduce the options available to you, and you'll arrive at the 'best fit'.

Counterintuitively, having clear objectives open up even more options to you. Where you're flexible with the approach, but rigid with the goal.

A number of decisions are before me to make, and I do not fret over anyone of them because my goal, my yardstick, is clear. Does it contribute to my goal? Yes? Shoot. No? Drop it (from the list of options).

Ah, I'll mark today as a win. I should write again when I'm met with a similar, or contrary, scenario.

I'm grateful for God's presence in my life. It's my biggest blessing.

I read my Bible today. I have not yet read my book.
