#61 - On clarity, again
And a little bit about focus.
I was out shopping today, with a tight and already over extended budget.
Nothing was more beneficial to me today than a shopping list, with estimated costs attached. I'd simply ask for an item, compare their asking price to what's on the list and decide whether I buy or not. Add a little bit of negotiation and I was flying through the list.
I got all the important things, traded some for others, and finished shopping way below the budget.
On focus,
I uninstalled social media apps (LinkedIn, Instagram, Threads, Facebook, X) from my phone today. It's to be a one-week experiment, but I already started getting results today.
As expected, I had taught myself to open up an app and scroll for a bit, at any slight dull in the moment. Even when there wasn't a dull moment, as soon as I started to focus, as soon as I started to hit that wall of resistance, I long for a bit co comfort in my phone.
For one week, I'll be away from social media.
That's not the only source of distraction though. Distraction also comes in the form of arguably beneficial needs wants.
For example, as of the moment, my plan to achieve the goal of getting hired as a data analyst is to improve my online presence (LinkedIn) and build a portfolio of projects. But, here comes the idea of also pursuing a certification to further improve my chances. It seems legitimate at first, but that's time and focus away from the plan I'd already laid down.
If I happened to chase that, what would I do when the next shining idea comes along? Chase that as well?
That's it.
Today, I'm grateful for my mom. I thank God she's an ever-present lighthouse of strength, resilience, and resourcefulness to me, I have been blessed to learn a lot from her and I'm proud that I'm able to support her.
I read my Bible today. I have not read my book.
Good night, for now.