#74 - Faces and time

Another random title

#74 - Faces and time
Photo by Isaac Mitchell / Unsplash

I have writer's block. Or at least, I should have written a note about Moonshot 2024 already and nothing's coming to mind.

Argh. That's one of the two tasks left on my list for today. There's still time left in the day, let's get at this!

Today was a good one. Started it off with important calls to my teammates, a conference call with our partners at Cardinal Healthcare and then I was off to get my bicycle–the first, of many.

I ticked off a couple more tasks that were not on the list but were just as important. Oh I can't fail to mention I reached out to friends I have not spoken to in a minute, and it was good hearing from them: Barnabas Adejinmi, Odunmolurun Osineye, and Tosin Rotimi-Dokun.

I'm grateful for good friends, courage, and provision.

I read my Bible today. I have not read my book.
