Note to self
Read this when the emotions come.
You're writing this without the influence of euphoria or dread. You're writing this with a clear mind. So, you can take this to be your base state–something you can return to when the emotions pour in and cloud your judgement.
You're writing this so you don't forget the course you started out on. I hope you remember to come back here whenever that course seems unsure. And if you're reading this, I'm glad you remembered.
The course
I want to learn how to transform Nigeria through education.
This will give the generation of children born 30 years from now the right foundation to grow on, by transforming the education of the people who will educate them.
The reasoning
We're influenced a lot by our teachers.
Within the formative years of 3 to 18, we would spend the majority of our time with teachers, and other students that are influenced by teachers.
A significant part of the quality of our education depends on the quality of our teachers, leadership of our schools, and the quality of education they got.
The idea then is to affect the outcome of the country, Nigeria, 60 years from now, by championing the education of a few thousand teachers within the next 30 years.
Things to remember
Remember these things when your emotions start to influence the way you think, which affects what you do.
Remember these when you're filled with euphoria
- Don't be distracted
- Remain true to yourself
- Celebrate and then get back to work
Remember these when you're filled with dread
- It's not real. Fear is not real.
- Don't be distracted. Don't be discouraged.
- This is not the time to explore other options. There are no other options.
There you go! You've got this!
Deji Joseph