#152 - The end
Thanks for coming along on the ride
#151 - So I don't miss today's
Now, what to write about
#150 - Missed yesterday again*
That's all I have to say
#149 - Should it be 150?*
Gemini's math says it should
#148 - Caught up
What happens from here?
#147 - Fires*
#146 - Badlands*
Good things
#145 - Snow white roads*
Should that have read Snow white toads instead?
#144 - Sigh*
#143 - Run from it all you want*
All the same, destiny arrives
#142 - White top*
Inspiration coes fro anywhere
#141 - Tobi Tobi*
The titles are running arway fro e now
#140 - Sweet*
Good life
#139 - Alhaji*
What? Keep going
#138 - Chains*
Track 2 of what albu?
#137 - Kaleidoscope*
I was typing ustang, when I saw it didn't work
#136 - Call*
Is this even worth it
#135 - Chill day
#134 - Days like this
Days I don't like
#133 - Yesterday*
That was really yesterday
#132 - Hermit*
#131 - Pidgin*
And English
#130 - How to pretend*
#129 - Argh*
A number of empty posts follow
#128 - Fast cars*
#127 - For the sake of it
Are we at that point
#126 - Frivolous *
#127 - Moustache *
#125 - Molecules *
#124 - Sunscreen *
#123 - Favreau *
#122 - Kaleidoscope *
#121 - Screen *
#120 - Blue *
#119 - My Daddy, My Daddy
Sunmisola Agbebi & Yinka Okeleye
#118 - Hallelujah
By Funbi
#117 - Back to work*
As the title says
#116 - Botched trip*
Now, today should have had just a little bit more fun
#115 - Long ride*
Lagos to Akure
#114 - Arduous and daunting*
Lol, big words to describe a lot of work
#113 - Successful day
Let's recount it
#112 - Wednesday*
So so. The day passed just like that.
#111 - Tuesday*
Passed like that
#110 - Monday*
Terrible accident
#109 - Sunday*
Fun day hiking
#108 - Saturday*
Another journey
#107 - Friday*
Quick day at work
#106 - Thursday*
Fun day
#105 - Great day
I say that without exaggeration
#104 - Quick note
Quick cause I need to get on to other things
#103 - Missed it
Missed yesterday's note
#102 - Non-stop
"Why do you write like you're running out of time?"
#101 - Out of hand
It's happening again
#100 - Yahweh
Yahweh Yahweh, Where would I be, If not for you
#99 - Fancy cups
This has been a tough week of coming up with stuff to write
#98 - Decisions, decisions
Some reference to some part of the day
#97 - Mr. Fun
I had a bit too much fun today
#96 - Long day
Look at me thinking I'd stay up to get some stuff done
#95 - Mr Grumpy
Mr Grumpy and his travels
#94 - 1914, They just brought light o
Lawd! Where do these titles come from
#93 - Good days
What's the song about not realising we're living in the good ol' days
#92 - Correction
Filler post to correct the serial count
#91 - Milestones and checklists
Yesterday was a milestone, ~90-day streak
#90 - Positivity
More of that
#89 - Sprints and marathons
I've got half a mind to leave this note empty
#88 - Closing tabs
Mental tabs. And Chrome tabs too.
#87 - Restful
That was what the day felt like
#86 - Something about focus
Let's have it, let's have it
#85 - Empty
Third day in a row I'm not writing directly on my blog
#84 - Continued dry spell
And I'm not even working to get out ot it.
#83 - Long days
That's what today feels like
#82 - Fighting fires
No excerpt
#80 - I'm stumped for a title
And that's not usually the case, yunno
# 79 - Fun weekend
My body feels sore, but that's to be expected from an active Saturday
#78 - You know how today went
Because I was writing a play-by-play post about it
#77 - Sweet Home
it's been some time, titling my note after a song.
#76 - Culture and time
Does 'Time and culture' sound better
#75 - Sunshine and flowers
And sore bums
#74 - Faces and time
Another random title
#73 - Cognitive test
That title came from nowhere, but I'm rolling with it
#72 - Luckily, not missing today's
Luck's beside the point
#71 - Missed yesterday again
So, I'll backdate this post
#70 - Missed yesterday
#69 - Meeting new friends
Out at Moonshot 2024 today
#68 - Work and play
Ubuntu and Netflix
#67 - A flurry of activities
Only a little bit
#66 - What a weekend
Of not much
#65 - A good day
And a fast one.
#64 - Filler
Actually, not quite.
#63 - Just because
Now writing for yesterday. Sigh.
#62 - To the thrilling journey
'Thrilling journey', cause I was in the kitchen today, lol.
#61 - On clarity, again
And a little bit about focus.
#60 - On clarity
You'll find that it gives speed to your actions
#59 - Day of rest
Not really. But it sure feels like it.
#58 - Best day of my life
This is gonna be, This is gonna be.. ooh ooh ooh
#57 - A boatload of fun
And heights of thrilling excitement
#56 - Full day, Full energy
I'll have to mark the day I cook up a remarkable title
#56 - Sunflowers & Greystones
Once again, that title has nothing to do with this blog post.
#55 - Dominating the day!
Todoist says I only marked 5 tasks as done today, but it feels like I ticked off 20!
#54 - Yellow basket
You can tell I'm really running out of titles
#53 - I'm running out of titles
Today was really good. I could have made it better.
#52 - Fine day
Felt like normal. Normal's fine. Not good. Not bad.
#51 - Slacking, are we?
Does 'eating the frog' include maintenance, low-impact tasks?
#50 - Over and over again
I'm getting used to keep going at a problem, over and over again, without losing energy
#49 - That was a close one
Any minute more and I'd've lost the day
#48 - Today was a thrilling one
Hiya Temi 👋🏾
#47 - Good day
Nothing spectacular happened, but I could have made it better
#46 - Bagged the day
I started writing then slept off
#45 - Not Impressed
Same story with other unimpressive days
#44 - Another day
Would things get this monotonous? On some level, that's what habits are. On the other, I'm not sure I do so well with boring.
#43 - Can't think of a title
Let's have at it
#42 - I should start writing earlier in the day
Cause I'm just about to close my eyes, I must write, but as I do, I write only as little as possible
#41 - Back on the grind
And I remember just how difficult and tiring it can be
#40 - Hol' up
Who badder than... I really dunno who
#39 - Keep going
Adding context to my journalling
#38 - What does it take to get you want
Fancy title to what I'm writing about today
#37 - Success, they say, can be addictive
Or is it progress?
#36 - Another day
Every day is starting to feel like the last one
#35 - Productive day
Had a blast of a day
#34 - An alright day
Not particularly remarkable
#33 - Full day
Spent my first day off work, temporarily.
#32 - Next chapter
Now, I got to do some more work to keep track of the serial number.
#31 - Good times
That's 31 days, or 28 days, of putting pen to paper every day. It's been good. We're in the good days.
#30 - Great day
Or was it actually so-so.
#29 - Let It All Work Out
Let it all work out, Let it all work out, Let it all work out
#28 - Making progress
Should I even call it that.
#27 - Missed this one
I should not blame my my circumstances. I should succeed despite them.
#26 - A good day
The day's been quite the productive one
#25 - Learning Opportunities
If I never learn, I'll never grow.
#24 - Nothing to write about
What happens then?
#23 - Shivers
Was down bad today with catarrh, headaches and a bit of fever.
#22 - Uncharacteristic
I spent the entirety of the day scrolling social media, even with top-of-mind awareness of the volume, urgency and importance of the work I have to do.
#21 - Missed It
That's all.

#20 - Surely, Surely
Goodness and Mercies shall follow me. Everyday they shall follow me!
#19 - Blessing Now
I'm forcing what I think I feel a slow morning would be like. LOL I have a significant amount of workload to get to but I'm moving like I'm only responsible to myself. SMH
#18 - Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!
#17.1 - A Blessed Day
#17 - Blessed day
#16 - Not again
#15 - Bust
#14 - Day 14: Supabase!
#13 - Day 13: Effective Habits